Archive: Jul 2021
Press Machines Mechanical Repair
Leave a CommentAnother Repair by TCR’s Press Mechanics Has Been Completed
This press had damaged back shaft bearings causing loud grinding; audible despite the other loud press room noises around it. Inspection revealed the bearings walking out of the housings and off the shaft.
This failure was caused by someone doing a previous repair incorrectly. Our mechanics dropped the back shaft assembly and dismantled it. New bearings were installed, and the clutch/brake was rebuilt.
At start-up, the customer said it sounded better than it had in years, but our team of mechanics still felt there was a suspicious noise coming from the press. They discovered the left main bearing was not getting enough lubrication. Fortunately, it was still in serviceable condition, so no replacement was required.
Our mechanics increased the lubrication flow, and soon the noise disappeared completely. Our client was shocked at how quiet the press was and extremely happy with the results of the repair.
What could have been an even more costly repair was averted, and the machine is now back in service and expected to be reliable once again for many more years.
Keep up the great work, Team TCR!